
Windows 10 的下章

Highlights from the January 21, 2015 event "Windows 10: The Next Chapter." Satya Nadella, Terry Meyerson, and other Microsoft executives share new information about Windows 10, the new generation of Windows. A demonstration of how Windows 10 will inspire new scenarios across the broadest range of devices, from big screens to small screens to no screens at all. This video, suitable for broadcast b-roll use, includes footage of Cortana on the PC, Microsoft HoloLens and Microsoft Surface Hub.


ChinaGDG 视频中心在优酷正式发布

ChinaGDG 视频中心。第一时间同步 Google Developers 的各种技术视频,如 Android、Web 等技术,方便国内开发者学习。视频已包含英文字幕,部分视频还有来自国内志愿者提供的中文翻译字幕。
